Misuse of the Tennis Courts - Memorial Park

Misuse of the Tennis Courts – Memorial Park

Notice re MP tennis courts

2 replies

    The tennis courts are frequently used for playing football by children. To me, that is unnecessary as there is plenty of green space to have a kick around and a hardcore space by the skateboard park (the best money invested by someone/somebody)
    The problem seems to arise from the gates being left open, or perhaps from someone obtaining the key code and then passing it on to children?
    This is an excellent facility provided by the town’s tax payers and should be used as intended and not somewhere to damage the fencing or sit on the nets or cycle around.

    • Megan Davies
      Megan Davies says:

      Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. We are aware of this issue and are continuing to investigate any patterns of misuse. Megan Davies

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