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GRANTS SCHEME 2023/24 Deadline Friday 25th August!!

Download an application form here:  Grants Application Form 2023-24





  1. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.


  1. Only voluntary organisations will be considered.


  1. The group /organisation should be active within Coleshill and the surrounding villages.


  1. The group/organisation should normally provide a benefit, service, support, entertainment or information.


  1. Coleshill Town Council will provide grants both for projects and core funding.


  1. The whole sum required will not normally be provided, as it is expected that group members should usually provide either some funding or volunteering time themselves (i.e. matched funding should not be just National Lottery or other charity money).


  1. The Town Council will only provide funding up to a maximum of £2,000. The Council will, in exceptional circumstances, consider additional funding if deemed appropriate.


  1. Grants will usually range from £250 – £1500.


  1. Successful applications will be required to provide a 6 months report, following the receipt of the grant monies, so the Coleshill Town Council is able to show tax-payers how their money has been spent to comply with the law and our audit requirements.


  1. All applications should enclose the audited accounts for the last completed financial year of the organisation.


  1. Please attach a budget for your proposals, including income and expenditure, to this application. This budget can include the value of the time given by helpers and volunteers.


  1. Coleshill Town Council will not consider grant applications where they involve sitting Town Councillors as signatories or as named contacts on the submitted forms.



Closing date for all applications: Friday 25th August 2023 at noon


(by email, post or hand-delivered into the Town Hall letterbox).