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Warwickshire Police Community Engagement and Property Marking Event 18th May 2024, Digby Road Community Centre

Event Poster police May 2024

Community Engagement & Property Marking Event

To Be held on:      Saturday 18th May 2024

Time:                      09.30am to 11.30am

Location:                Digby Road, Community Centre

We will be offering free property marking items such as dual U.V/Black marker pens, purse dipping bells, faraday pouches for car keys & mobile phone and lots of other freebies. We will also be able to security mark bicycles and register them on the national database.

Property marking of any type including registering your bike is very important to help get your property back if stolen but more importantly it also allows the Police to apprehend criminals in possession of security marked property.

Come and talk to us, ask any questions you may have, but at least take the opportunity to learn how best to stay ahead of crime.

Remember – “Prevention is always better than cure”