Remembrance Service Broadcast

Remembrance Service Broadcast

On Wednesday 4th November 2020 the Reverend Nick Parker pre-recorded the remembrance service to be broadcast on Sunday 8th November from 10.45am via Coleshill Parish Church Facebook.

Fire Engine 3

The Reverend Parker was joined by Mr Michael Fetherston-Dilke, the Mayor of Coleshill Cllr. Adam Richardson and Mr Roy Charlesworth chair of the Royal British Legion Coleshill branch and a pupil from The Coleshill School who all gave readings as well as Coleshill Town Band, the bell ringers and the choir providing music. 


Fire Engine 2Fire Engine 1Also in attendance were the newly decorated fire engines from Coleshill fire station.  

 The recording will be broadcast on Sunday via Facebook

The church will be open on Sunday for Private Prayer 

from 12noon until 4pm